Wednesday, July 18, 2012

General evaluation of seminar

Our goals during this seminar were to improve the knowledge, experience and skills for young people  on the topic of DEOR for YiA projects.

More specifically we aimed to achieve the next results:

1.      Sharing of their own experience, get inspired by exchange best practice and learn from bad experiences.
2.      Creating a better understanding concept and framework of DEOR
3.      Promote a better understanding and ideas about specifically the exploitation results not only dissemination.
4.      Give the participants more practical skills on making a good deor.
5.      Understanding of obstacles and how to overcome them when implementing DEOR in practise.
6.      Understanding of DEOR as part of project design (including youthpass)
7.      Increased knowledge about practical application and risks and benefits of DEOR activities.
8.      Creation of a common platform (blog) with information about and results of the seminar and where people can share materials before, during and after seminar. 
9.      Network creating between participants

We are happy with the fulfilment of these aims as you can also read from the comments in the detailed program. Also the results of the questionnaire generally support statement that the desired results are fulfilled. This being said, the learning of the participants happened on different levels and where some of the people learned mostly about one aspect, then others again about something else depending on their previous experience since the group was quite diverse. The networking did not seem something that was so important for the people during the seminar. There was ample opportunity during the organisations market and in informal moments and the need seemed to be fulfilled so therefore we decided to skip a final session about partnership building that was originally planned for the last day.

In the end of the training the participants stated that during the training they felt the beginning was a bit slow and the Wednesday was quite full but that they understood the logic of it and why it was planned like this. As trainers we agree that in retrospective the first day (Tuesday) could have been a bit more challenging and deeper into the background of DEOR. Since the target group was so different we felt it was needed to start of slower to get everybody on the same level before diving deep into the subject.

Something else we changed was the amount of workshops. Originally there were 4 workshops planned but since there were not as many participants as we planned and everybody was very interested in all of them we decided to do the social media workshop separate and afterwards the video and public speaking one parallel followed by a presentation of grassroots comics the next day.

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